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Holistic Coaching with me..


Coaching relationship is a creative, fun collaboration between you and me. We work together to create a system that supports your overall wellbeing and alcohol-free lifestyle moving forward for Midlife, Perimenopause, Menopause & beyond. 

I am a sober woman in my midlife, an ICF Life Coach, a Menopause Doula & Yoga Teacher, A She Recovers Coach and an Addictive Behaviours Specialist coach and mentor.

You are in good hands! 




Being happy and sober might seem like a stretch. It might seem impossible. It might be that you think other people can do it but not you. But the great news is you CAN and I know because I felt exactly like you.


The midlife has NEVER looked like this. We are living longer, have greater incomes, and better connected and have voices and choices like never before and are rewriting the rules all the time. BUT we may also be tired, stretched and still running on outdated beliefs about ageing. And alcohol. And the Perimenopause....


Now is the time to call BS and boss YOUR midlife alcohol-free in exactly the way YOU want to for future health & happiness which starts now.




''It is only once you’ve been through an experience like this, with a fantastic coach, that you can truly appreciate its value.  I evangelise about this experience to all my friends. If I could, I would make it mandatory for everyone to experience coaching and have the opportunity to discover their true potential.''

K. Eire 

You don't have to hit 'Rock Bottom...'

• Feeling exhausted with the back and forth of stop and start drinking?

• Experiencing  a lack of joy or interest in life? Have you been relying on alcohol to cope with stress and tiredness to keep going?

• Having that Groundhog Day feeling about your drinking? That awful realisation it’s not working but keep going back to it?

• Identifying with being  a Grey Area Drinker (somewhere in between occasional drinking and rock bottom) and have that creeping feeling that this is just not OK anymore?

• Knowing that life can better but not sure how to go about it?

• tired of being tired?

•  feeling scared because drinking has always been your way to enjoy, unwind or relax  and you don’t know what else you would do?


•  stopping and starting, setting rules around drinking or looking outside at others to convince yourself it's OK even though you know you are struggling? 


Now is the time to change your relationship with alcohol...

''Working with Kate gave me a new awareness of how my body emotionally, mentally, & physically, reacts and responds to stress & overwhelm. She gave me the tools to deal with that in a caring, loving, gentle way so that I can  deal with life situations in ways which honor my needs as well as the needs of others.


Thank you so much Kate,  you are a gift to share your experience & wisdom!''

J, U.S



Choosing to get alcohol out of your life is a smart move. 


Why Midlife Sobriety needs special care

The Hormone Highway* which is going through significant changes in our 40s and into our 50s needs special care. Stress and lifestyle play a part, as does our nutrition, movement and of course alcohol consumption. If we are stressed the cortisol increase plays havoc with the fluctuating hormones leading to mood swings, menopause symptoms and increased alcohol use and addictive behaviours.



Life Demands 

During this time we are going through big changes physically and emotionally. This is a huge rite of passage for us as women in our life cycles. Midlife is  also being re-defined and re-written as we speak by us. Midlife women have in some ways never had it so good, we are more visible, part of the narrative, have voices and choices BUT in some ways we have never had so much pressure to still be, do and have it all whilst still looking 30. Many of us are juggling ageing parents, teenage, younger or older kids and pivoting in careers whilst going through the peri and menopause.

The words for this stage of life for me are pace, sustainability, hope and authenticity. We can do so much and have so much to look forward to but we MUST  prioritise our well-being in order to do that. 


The Next Steps for satisfying sober living

By working with coaching techniques, we can identify areas for greater alignment, opportunities for growth, life transitions and reignite and rebalance your sobriety and wellbeing. I work with models from The Science of Happiness, stress management and tools to work creatively with expanding your sober horizons or trouble shooting any challenges that are arising. 


The Science and the Practice 

Did you know that our brains  and bodies rewire and heal through a process called Neuroplasticity, meaning we feel more balanced, calmer and well and we can actively work with tools to help this process?  Practices such as  awe, gratitude self-compassion, relaxation, flow and creativity ( AKA Time for OURSELVES) when combined with the coaching process of goal setting, accountability and reflection are powerful tools in creating positive change and truly creating a life you love sober for your midlife and beyond.


Are you ready for the ride? 

What you get with 1:1 Coaching with Me 


  • 90 minute intake call : Hormonal & Heart Balanced Life Audit* 

  • Habit Change and Wellness Tracker & Planner 

  • 5 or 10 x 1:1 sessions over Zoom with me that can be used on whatever schedule fits you and your life (*must be used within 6 months) 

  • Exclusive, intimate, and guided access to the Love Sober R4 Balance Method* & Menopause Doula Package*

  • A supportive, judgment-free, and confidential space to be yourself, develop and nurture new habits, explore your passions, and reconnect with yourself

  • Tools, techniques, and strategies that enhance our work together and can be used even after your coaching has concluded

  • Ways how to approach your self-care for your life NOW.

  • Education about the Hormone Collective & how it impacts your life now.

  • Accountability and gentle feedback to keep you making progress with your sober path.

  • Inner work to help you approach the areas that are holding you back from making progress.

  • A well-being and Wellness plan to create  navigate the Wellbeing for the Midlife, Menopause & beyond.



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Kate Baily - Holistic Midlife & Sober Coach

© Kate Baily 2022

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